Cyber Attacks in IT Industry

Cyber Attacks

 The dependence of businesses and customers on Web-based sites and applications to create, absorb and do business also means an exponential growth in the privacy and security risks to which they are exposed every day.  Not, at this point held for prominent targets. Cyber attacks can influence any business that depends on arranged applications, gadgets, and frameworks.

Government organizations and financial companies remain the main target of cyberattacks, especially those conducted in the name of hacktivism. However, due to the Internet's open infrastructure and the increasing availability of easy-to-implement attack tools. Almost anyone with the necessary basic skills can launch a cyber-attack, focusing on network protection for any endeavor with significant advanced resources. Also, Internet presence.

Cyber ​​Attacks: Motives and Methods

Cyber ​​attacks exploit any type of vulnerability, whether they are present in software or devices, or dependent on the person who administers and uses them. As websites grow in complexity and applications develop faster, the risk of potential attacks also increases.

Then, programmers and digital hired fighters make, disperse and utilize refined endeavor and malware apparatuses to take or annihilate corporate information,

bargain sites and meddle with operational foundations.

Regardless of whether the thought process is secret activities or harmful, cybercriminals utilize an assortment of assault techniques.

For example, stick phishing, SQL infusion, cross-site scripting (XSS), and animal power assaults, utilizing them adaptively and in the mix to do expound digital assaults.

One of the most notorious tactics used in cyber attacks is DDoS-type attacks, in which the use of botnets aims to congest a website

or web application to the point of no longer allowing legitimate users to access it, causing large enterprises losses in terms of profitability, productivity, and image.


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Protection of the company from cyber attacks

Organizations, particularly those that have suffered the effects of cyberAttacks. Have strengthened their perimeter security controls by adopting firewalls and intrusion detection systems. 

Unfortunately, such similar traditional data center security methods are not enough to protect companies from large-scale distributed cyber threats and application-level stealth attacks.


What undertakings need today are multi-layered safeguard designs that can not just recognize and divert digital assaults as near their inception as could reasonably be expected, yet also, scale to assimilate dangers for a gigantic scope. This is exactly what Akamai's cloud security solutions offer customers.


Our Kona Site Defender solution provides application and network layer DDoS prevention, scaling rapidly to reduce high-volume attacks and ensure the availability and performance of customer websites,

regardless of the severity of the attack.

Our Web Application Firewall service can detect and block potential attacks on the HTTP and HTTPS layers,

protecting customer applications against SSL security protocol violations and the most common types of HTTP attacks, including XSS and SQL injection.

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